How to hire if you’re not Google or Facebook, don’t hire from google or facebook

Google announced recently how much investment they put into recruiting – how they handled their talent. If there’s anything to take away from that its that you have to work on your own startups branding in 3 ways:

1) founder story

2) compelling story

3) A job description that talks 90% about what you can offer your potential new employee not what skills you are demanding. Include a particularly challenging problem the person is likely to deal with, these guys want something to stick their teeth into. Talk about new tech they could be using and get exposure for.

Above all in these times, be flexible – you aren’t going to be able to poach someone awesome in a few weeks that will take months, even a year in some cases before they are willing to seriously talk about a career change. In the meantime don’t sit around and wait.

Not having a lead developer can hinder the chances of taking on some awesome newbies, out of school, out of bootcamps.

Startups with the resources are hiring a certain segment of dev bootcampers out of the gate – who are they picking?

1) Folks who have already been programming and have experience

2) folks who were say in more traditional roles such as regular engineering or a different vertical sector and took a career change and continued to code on their own, worked on side projects, wrote blogs on their experience. – these guys are being snapped up as interns by some big names, not all dev bootcampers were ex teachers, or accountants attempting to take a drastic career change. The most promising are those who go to expand their knowledge and you can see it as an educational and career progression not this leap into the unknown. The profiles look very difficult. I’ve often seen them return and also go further into entrepreneurial bootcamps. Great thing with these guys is to acknowledge and be ok that they may want to start their own company so why not learn on the job.

Im hiring right now for Ruby devs(which is actually constant – but differs from client to client, and i’ve got the toughest job because it is an immediate need and I have to juggle building a pipeline for the company as well as try and reactive recruit ruby which is fairly impossible. I don’t have a huge budget for this one.

What i’m going to do is push for a lead to be taken on, then thrown in some really bright, intelligent hard working and quick learning developers even with javascript, who have expressed a clear interest in working with Rails. I just have to rigorously check that they really are up for the challenge –  this is a vertical learning curve. (and i have to run it past the founder – BUT be strong and confident and make them listen – otherwise that req is going to still be open in 6 months.

Its a great chance to shape the employees you have and grab them before they simply ignore any recruiting emails.

Last comment – don’t poo poo dev bootcamp just make your criteria selective, dev experience, contributions, blogs, dev bootcamp followed by side projects, and they are already in tech.

The trend is that if you have a lead, its likely to be that hiring experienced boot camp grads (if sourced properly) with the right background  will still allow production deadlines to be met, they learn on the job and are shaped by you. Take 2 for the job of one – it’ll get done in time. They will want to work for you because few places can offer any training at all. I’ve noticed that once they’ve had 6 months interning, they end up getting snapped up by the big boys in series B and C – so this is a trend worth paying attention to

First few hires…

1)      Utilize your mentors, VC’s and your network to get referrals – referrals are still by far the best way to recruit.

2)      Are you listed on angel list – if so, post your job. You will get applications, a lot from junior candidates, but a few gems come your way. You will get a clear indication whether someone is actively looking or not but again it may not be the best talent pool. There is a search facility here, the search terms need a little work on.

3)      Trial out recruiting software and try and wangle 2 weeks trial for niche sourcing and recruiting software. Bearing in mind that most aggregated job boards and job vs resume matching sites will produce poor results for tech/engineering roles.

4)      Social recruiting has now become easier and quicker than ever. People aggregators do the job of about 5 sourcers who’s primary job is to scour the internet, create custom search engines, find candidates that aren’t readily visible or have a low internet profile, or those not wishing to be on linkedin. Ideally this should be used in conjunction with other methods of sourcing

5)      If you need Ruby, Python, Ios Mob developers, UI/UX – bite the bullet advertise on niche sites, and use a people aggregator. Meetup boards are dodgy to post jobs on and rarely will people respond unless you are the CEO/Founder and it’s a personalized message.

6)      Don’t rely on just one source and be surprised if you wade through a load of candidates and maybe one or two you can interview and declined offers – you are looking in the wrong place. Supplement your sources of candidates from at least 4-5 different sources.

7)      The double edged sword for any fledgling startup is that you want the best talent, those at linkedin, google, Heroku, square and so on, can you really attract this type of talent – well most startups in this state struggle with this, so you have to set your sights on a more realistic level – which group of developers are you able to attract. If you are seed funded startup and you have your eye on a great developer at a different company – however they received series A or series B funding – are they going to want to move, probably not.

8)      Aim high – there’s no point procrastinating about who to contact, whether they may or may not respond, whether you have formed an opinion and convinced they don’t want to move so you don’t approach them – this is a big mistake. Don’t approach them with a direct opportunity now, talk to them, build a solid relationship with them, they need to get to know you and you them. This is a long term plan to attract better talent in the future

9)      Be very clear in your job description – whats in it for them, what will their career progression be, what will they spear head, how is the opportunity better than the one they are in now – don’t get stuck on salary too much.

10)   Use google docs to track your applicants and be strict with it!

11)   Whatever you do don’t use an inexperienced recruiter/office manager to reach out to developers in SF bay area!

Recruiting Challenges: Hiring Developers Pt 2

Hiring developers is a whole chapter and probably the largest chapter from a recruiting perspective. I’m going to break it down into parts and at least start covering some base points to which you can start from.

1) sourcing developers – Sourcing techniques; internet, database, meetup sites, meetups/hackathons , social media – including linkedin recruiter, company website, from job postings

2) Job descriptions – what and what not to put

3) recruiting developers – hiring and retention, keeping the talent interested in your company first

4) talking to developers – the initial phone screen, what if you’re not a developer

1.   Sourcing Developers


Create a strategy first – don’t shotgun it, advertise everywhere, all over linkedin, don’t go posting it on the ruby meetup site and hope for the best!

If you are starting from scratch ie this is your first bunch of hires for the initial engineering team, I am not going to lie, i am not going to sell you the secret to hiring developers because there isn’t a secret formula. There’s a huge amount of work you need to do to get this first team in place especially if you do not have an engineering network.  I thought i’d start from this point – how do you become your company’s best engineering recruiter?

The first thing I would do if being asked to look for a team of developers is to make sure everybody is clear on the timing for this, set realistic expectations, if this is your first round of official hires and you don’t get a lot of inbound resumes the process will probably take from 4-6 months

Talk to the developers you already have – talk to the model developer employee there’s always one! Go get them coffee/lunch and get their feedback and opinion on who should be hired, what skills do they think are important, get help with terminology and some basic screening questions, how did they get hired, how did they find their current job, where else were they looking, why did they choose this start up, get a feel of personality type that will fit the team, ask their opinion on the best internet sources for finding active developers working on peer projects on google projects or github. Look up your own developers, where do you see their internet presence. Finally having a say into who joins the new team is a huge factor and is also a critical one.  Its actually better to have less skills and a better work personality than be toxic and have awesome coding skills – the latter can have bad consequences and put projects back by months, have people leaving and you starting to hire a new team again! Get them on board and ask them to share the position on their social media and other sites, presuming you have little budget to incentivize, starbucks gift cards can go a long way, your own developers inhouse see you making a real effort in getting the right team especially when you’ve made the effort to include them – internal referrals are the quickest and the best way to hire your team.

If your startup is VC backed, talk to you CEO about resources your VC might have to aid you in hiring your team. Many VC’s already have a talent acquisition director who will outline a strategic hiring plan and plop in an engineering recruiter to execute the plan. Your competition are these ex google, ex facebook engineering recruiters with solid networks – but it doesn’t take long to get there with a lot of focus. When you talk to your CEO/founder ask if they are aware if their funding company has any resources with respect to hiring, ie maybe there is a board member or advisor who specializes in hiring and recruitment. If you are the founder or CEO talk to your backing companies about hiring strategy and execution, not only do they have access to business  and other resources to grow your startup but will also have access to resources on hiring. (this is actually what i do and there are a few of us floating about Silicon Valley)

Your company may already be working with a consulting company such as Carbon5. If you have a consulting team that you are working side by side with you can do the same thing here, try and get as much info as possible, find out about their career paths, how they landed their job – was it through referrals, a specific site, where they would recommend you hire people from. Get the developers perspective, so that you start to think like a developer and how they look for their next career move. Remember you are highly unlikely to be able to hire these crucial employees through any jobsites, even linkedin recruiter is unlikely to yield good response rates in the current climate.

This is where having a research background can really help, you are getting as much info as you possibly need to put a concrete strategy in place.

Now you are armed with the following: Where your current developers came from, what sites they are active on, links with their developer buddies with similar skills, job sites they would actually use, sneaky ways to find developers on the internet that the manual didn’t tell you about!

Now go cost this out, github and stackoverflow charge to post, linkedin recruiter cost a few hundred dollars per month, what is your company doing with twitter – leverage what you have for getting postings out there, have your internal team send it out to their social networks. Work out how much time it will take to do each part of the research process, this will give you a rough idea on how long it will take you to start seeing applicants either through referrals or through responses and a rough time for how long it will take you to hire your first team member.

As soon as you get a name, email and phone number call immediately!!! i cant stress enough, you could put off a call by a couple of days and another company already interviewed them and made an offer.

There are many sourcing strategies that can spawn off what I have discussed – if you are looking for more in depth steps on internet sourcing, fill in the contact form below and i’ll send you a sourcing for developers guide(cheat sheet!)

Getting the names is only the start, advertising your position correctly is another step in sourcing and must be done correctly to produce the highest inbound resumes received, and is the subject of the next blog.

Feel free to ask me any recruiting challenges you are facing and if you want some info on a specific sourcing technique I am happy to send you material to help. or call 510 239 7829

Connect with me on linkedin and follow my tweets @rubybhattachary

Recruiting Challenges – hiring developers and creating a candidate pipeline

This post is aimed at startups <10

Candidate pipelines and candidate databases. Why and how?

If you have been tasked to recruit for your startup whether as an internal recruiter, office manager or part of the Product Manager’s role you really want to keep ahead of the game when it comes to recruiting. You know you are a Ruby shop, you know you’ll eventually need some full stack back end developers so what are you waiting for … round of funding? Don’t wait that late!

I used to have frequent conversations with a Product Manager who started working at a healthcare startup. He knew he would need Ruby Devs but insisted he didn’t want to look in case they didn’t receive the funding. The CEO was not a tech guy so didn’t really understand the difficulty in hiring in that area. Its a normal reaction to wait till funding and then start to look. I remember being called for a really quick meeting downtown San Francisco on a sunny May afternoon. “Yes finally we want to work with you – we need a Ruby Tech Lead and 5 mid level developers and yesterday” – well firstly i don’t talk about what my services are in my blog but i am not an agency and not an order taker either, my services and advice come in handy so this kind of thing does not happen. Some companies are open to being educated into the world of recruiting others aren’t – they were too far down the line. Consequences, HUGE agency fee to find the best Ruby guy, 6 months to fill the position – risk the person may leave before building the rest of the team, another 3-8 months to fill the developer positions, having to keep hold of the developers you’ve just hired so they don’t go anywhere else and before you know it, it adds up to almost 9-10 months to hire the whole team….THATS SO RUBBISH!!!

Its not as though this situation cannot be rectified. In this situation i recommended the following:

1) Use a targeted agency such as mirrorplacement – they charge a 30% fee but believe they are well worth it – they are a team of developers themselves

2) Advertise on GitHub and StackOverflow, also try workingwithrails. You are likely to get some good level of responses.

3) If you are the CEO, founder or senior member of the core team, join the Ruby Meetup group start joining in on discussions, add to the discussions and make it be known who you are and your company, talk about some challenges you are having, how they could be rectified, create a buzz around your company. I would say then and only then craft a well written mail and send out to the group seeing if you can create interest. Don’t send out a job description, just make it simple get developers to engage with you. You can talk job descriptions later. If you are  charged with recruiting make sure you can have these emails crafted before hand by the CEO

4) Make sure you enter each candidate into some sort of database, google docs or excel spreadsheets work fine – keep tel no.s and emails – you are now starting to build a pipeline for future hiring.

Just don’t expect to fill this position quickly anything from 3-8 months taking into consideration that you don’t want to hire someone with great skills but is a complete a**

Building a Candidate Pipeline

As a CEO/founder of your fledgling startup, make the connections now, before you get funding, before you are ready to hire. Let the Ruby community know who you are and what you are about, create interest in working for your company early on. I’ve done this with my own business, before I even started my company i made sure I built solid contacts in the tech recruiter world, letting people  know about my services and how its so different to anything else, it meant by  the time i actually needed to hire and asap like yesterday, I just needed to make a couple of phone calls and i had someone. This is the best approach to take and do it from the beginning, you won’t have time when you are scrabbling around trying to raise funds or working on a trial or your first prototype. Add it in as part of your strategy.

1) Make contacts with developers early on before the project starts.

2) Collect as many email addresses and phone numbers

3) attend as many developer meetups that you can, get your card out there, and sell you and your company! collect as many cards as you can get

4) join the Ruby meetup group and on linkedin and contribute to discussions. This can’t be done half heartedly, if you are going to do it do it every week and carve out time to do it.

5) Use your buddies in the community to spread word using social media, linkedin, twitter, facebook, you’re trying to get people to look at your website here.

If you rigorously do this 4-6 months before you even need to hire, you are likely to have access to developers who already know you, know what you’re company is about and probably banging down your doors to work for you.

Last but not least – get every developer into a database, excel spreadsheet, google doc whatever your fancy, remember this is your personal list of developers who expressed interest to work with you. Treat this like gold dust.  This is now the beginnings of a candidate pipeline unique for your company. Next time you need to hire, you only need to make a few phone calls and the process will be significantly quicker than the “shotgun marriage” approach above.

If you have any challenges and you’ve hit a brickwall, email me or call me 510 239 7829. You can find me on linkedin.I’m here to offer advice.. Please fill in the contact form below for step by step process article on the  subject or any questions about MYNET Solutions Recruiting Solutions.

Tech recruiting biggest challenges

CEO’s, founders, internal tech recruiters for startups all have their set of challenges, but what are they in respect to the different roles and functions.
As an internal recruiter, staying on top of the game – meaning the recruiting game is absolutely paramount, using old, out dated techniques will have you running to the nearest agency, BUT don’t you want to prove that you can source, recruit and find the talent ahead of time.
Employer Branding is a hot topic right now, leveraging marketing to increase the number of resumes that come through BUT how do you convince your CFO/CEO that this is money well spent, a poor pitch won’t help.
There are several white papers, jobvite do quite a number on inbound recruiting and using marketing as a tool. Internet research is something to really look into. I found a great article written by Michelle De Rubeis of – she’s a boolean search ninja. Title is Boolean Search Secrets for becoming a master recruiter. HIghly recommended read!
So what are your biggest challenges? Fill in the contact form and let me know what your biggest issue is right now and i’m here to listen and be your startup recruiting agony aunt!


Internet Sourcing, Boolean Searches – Internal Tech Recruiters – Startups

This is a quick one and one that is really important for ALL internal recruiters tech or non tech. Job sites and resume databases are limited, the amount of good developers or IT talent that actually post on the typical sites such as DICE, Monster or any other generic sites is low and will yield poor results when you search and also poor results when you advertise. Linkedin recruiter is pretty good and gets you some great talent and totally spot on HOWEVER you have to get them to connect with you. Linkedin searches I always believe are good as long as you have some way of tracking them down.

Recruiting trends reports show that the use of job sites is on the decline, linkedin isn’t quite working for you. Specific sites for advertising Ruby or any other developer jobs such as using Github, Stackflow or Ruby job sites are very costly and you have no idea whether you’ll get people to respond.

Quick and easy, use techniques that top tech companies use and smart agency recruiters. Internet sourcing is not new but digging under google’s search engine allows you to use boolean search strings to search for resumes where you include skill sets, location and any other skill.

Firstly do a quick google search on google boolean search, you should find a tool bar you can download called Recruiting Bar – the sourcers Toolbar, you need to watch a you tube video or two but its easy to work out. There are also many postings and blogs that go into a huge amount of detail with how to enter search strings into the google search bar by adding various syntax before your search string. Check out this white paper by Michelle De Rubeis of – boolean search secrets for becoming a master recruiter

A recommendation here is to join one of the groups on Linkedin  – search under boolean  – you will find a few groups. These groups are great, all members truly help each other out. I have often asked for help with a particular search string to find candidates with really specific skill sets and members will share their search strings with you. Save your search strings as you will need them later.

So what results do you get, you get resumes that are not usually found if you simply put in the search in the usual google tool bar you find resumes that aren’t readily available or out there for the general public to see, it pulls up resumes from github and other sites. You get resumes with contact details on – you’re good to go!

Recruiting is not rocket science, a little research, playing around with search strings will bring you excellent results, candidates to add to your database and a whole list of new talent that other companies and many agencies don’t have – often agencies do not have the band width to hire and have on their staff a specific internet sourcer/researcher. You really don’t have to use agencies I swear – you can do this yourself.

I am not recommending this to be the only way you source its one of many ways, its another method to be used in conjunction with other sourcing techniques.

You can find me on linkedin , my website

Fill in the contact form below to receive free whitepapers that focus only on tech recruiting for startups and shoot me any burning hiring challenges you may be having.

How to attract Talent prior to funding

I’ve noticed a few start-ups are well on their way. Seed funding, various funding from sources takes you up to a good mark. You have a pilot, a trial with a client and you only have one shot. Now you need those engineers that will work hard, be passionate as you and will put their all in to get this finished. You believe in it, your fledgling team believe in it – how do you get the top talent to believe in it.

Firstly – how did you find your current developers….friends, old colleagues, referrals, people approaching you, connections networking, it goes a long way. How did you pitch your company to them, its easier when you know them, the trust is there. How do you build this trust with a developer who sits on a few offers, they are taking a huge risk joining any start up and how can you convince him/her to join your company when funding is less than a $million.

Quite honestly, this suggestion cuts me out of a job with these types of start ups, and recruiters alike, but when used with another source is highly effective.

Ok Mr CEO – I know you don’t have time, but when you have a team of 5-10 people and you have money to raise, a company to run, spending 24/7 making real your dream, however to build and grow your first engineering team takes finesse and a little time.  You still have your network to keep tapping into, you have that gift, your passion ignites people, they are excited about your product, you know you will get funding, whenever you talk to people they get excited. Keep going to specific meetups yourself, it is impossible not to be flattered to be approached by a CEO, it is highly likely they will want to continue the conversation. This approach is better than any recruiter/headhunter anyday. If the role is that important then you are the selling factor, the way you are, your approach to work, your personality. Everyone has their own favorite app but i like “unsocial” – i can be in a room full of mobile devs, ruby devs, network admins, UI people, switch this on and it tells me who’s in the vicinity and what they do, helps speed things up a bit so i’m not spending 30 minutes talking to the janitor.

Don’t get too many – but identify a specialist agency who can start a contingent search.

If you have a generalist on board you can teach them a few things. Searches in linkedin will bring up a plethora of exactly the role, experience of developer you need. Have them save the search, ideally 100-200 names. If possible have someone go through this list and identify roughly skills wise who will be a good fit. Have someone who can track down email addresses and phone numbers – just in case ( just a bit of sleuth work).

This part won’t take much time at all – if this role is so crucial. Send out a personalized email to each and every person on the list. Call them directly. There is not one person I know in the working world who would not only be flattered but are 50x more likely to engage in an opportunity with you than a recruiter.

Just some thoughts…..

You can find me on linkedin , my website

Fill in the contact form below to receive free whitepapers that focus only on tech recruiting for startups and shoot me any burning hiring challenges you may be having.

I have no time to do this, who can I delegate this to……

Be wary of hiring an internal recruiter – make sure they are qualified in sourcing, recruiting in the tech industry and have at least 1 years experience, this may not be the best hire. The best internal recruiters work on contract earning anything from $70-$80p/hr, Senior Recruiters can command higher salaries however these recruiters tend to stay in the agency world because of the compensastion package. It is an unfortunate fact that any recruiter willing to work for $30-$40K has probably been an agency drop out and was unable to meet goals and ultimately unable to make enough placements. HR and generalists will not have any kind of grasp on the state of tech recruiting right now and will take a while to figure it out or they leave or you let them go.

Connections in the industry such as having a VP or Director of recruiting can help, can they be a mentor to your fledgling recruiting department?

You can find me on linkedin , my website

Fill in the contact form below to receive free whitepapers that focus only on tech recruiting for startups and feel free to send me any burning recruiting challenges you may be having, i’m here to help!

Everyones looking for the same thing!

 Ok so you are on the right track, Angel Funding, The pitch went down well, VC’s are investing in your company, VC Partners, advisors and board members get involved. Your VC will talk strategies including hiring your team. They may or not leave it up to you after all you’ve probably been working with developers for most of your career and know plenty of guys/gals you have worked with who are awesome and you know will make a great team and who are willing to work and be passionate about the company/product as much as you are. What do you do next when you have run out of referrals and recommendations. How can you possibly find the people as passionate as those you know, how can you find your next Lead Ruby Developer or Python Developer when there are at least 15 other companies wanting to hire the same people and they are all fast growing, well funded start-ups , how do these people decide who to reach out to.

I did a quick search on Indeed to see how many start-ups are looking for senior Ruby Developers just as an example, the figures are a lot more than I thought – in excess of 20 companies in San Francisco and Bay Area. How can you stand out, how are you going to attract these candidates to your company when everyone seems to be offering the same. All Start-ups have a new innovative product or a product that is on the market but vastly improved, perhaps your start up is opening into a totally new market.

The key to attracting the best developers is a fairly simple task but laborious. Its very important to develop a candidate pipeline, when I talk about candidate pipeline I don’t mean someone finding you random resumes on various job sites, these people invariably are probably jumping from job to job, they have time to trawl the job sites (probably while they are still at work) and apply. If you are using agencies this is even worse, the developers are spoken to for maybe 15 minutes max, key word search, they probably don’t remember who they have been put forward to, and by the time you may want to interview they’ve already accepted an offer at your arch nemesis’s company!

The best and only way to do this is having someone within the company who has the ability to do a real dig into developers who are rather incognito, who hate agencies, who probably find their own jobs and have their own connections, they don’t need an agency to get them a job and they don’t trust agencies anyway. There is a different approach with these guys and gals, expressing interest in their career even when they are not interested in a move, they maybe in 6 months time. Job descriptions can be a little limited only showing responsibilities and skills needed and a “are you interested” – well probably not. That first email or conversation is crucial, done right you are well on the way to a good hire, if its done wrong, then you’ve potentially lost a great candidate who was approached the wrong way. These guys aren’t so interested in the money aspect (of course its important) but in my experience they are looking for the potential and the opportunity to have some major accomplishments under their belt especially once your product has been developed and has gone through to market or implementation – big plus points!

You or your VP of Engineering may have time to go to networking events, but time is not always there, this is a great place to start, and if there is a delegated person to recruit – send them out to each and every meetup and networking event, collect names and more names, search them, find github codes, find websites, how passionate are they about development, how active are they in their programming community. These are the ones you want to focus on, and again salary and equity is not the only factor, the company and product often is a factor and what kind of accomplishments they are set to achieve. Once you have this you are in much better position to offer them something that they really want.

You may already know all these things, execution is the hardest part and can take a long time to hire someone when you have little time to focus on this as the product and the business road map are the top priority and you may only want to hire when the exact person comes along.

You can find me on linkedin , my website

Fill in the contact form below to receive free whitepapers that focus only on tech recruiting for startups or let me know any challenges you are facing I’ll do my best to help!

Recruiting for tech start-ups – Do’s Don’ts and How to

Yep thats me!

Yep thats me!

Hello there – my name is Ruby, firstly I’m a lover of life, I enjoy making music, taking photographs, painting, and desperately want to learn screen printing so i can put obscure British sayings on T-Shirts to get people to talk more Brit Slang. I believe in community and helping each other out. I want to earn a living but i don’t want to screw people on the way. I am passionate about what I do, and I do it my way now, I refuse to work for someone who is unethical, says they want whats best for their client and not delivering and making excuses, forcing a commitment before even seeing performance. I have a ridiculous amount of ideas, i listen, i execute and I want whats best for everybody. I like to connect people even if there is no monetary advantage to me. My aim is to raise the bar in the recruitment world, not to have to take the wrong size clothing from a shop just because its the only size they have. In the start up industry one size does not fit all. Agencies should earn their 25-30% fee. Everyone has got lazy and no-one seems to have intelligence to do this. Sorry to sound controversial but its true. Intelligence is no longer a requirement with recruiters and even less so for Account Managers.

I want to advise and highlight issues that come up time and time again and offer some practical advise in dealing with it.

You can find me on linkedin , my website or email me if you have any burning challenges

Fill in the contact form below to receive free whitepapers that focus only on tech recruiting for startups.